Hairtransplant | Regium Hairtransplant


FUE Hairtransplantation in Turkey

Haartransplantation in der Türkei bei Regium Hairtransplant

Hair loss or hair thinning is a big problem for men and even women. Due to genetic reasons,  one in three men in the world nowadays are struggling with the permanent hair loss problems. However, due to the developing  technologies and methods it is possible to prevent the problem permenantly. Regium Hairtransplant offers  innovative and high quality treatments to regain your hair within 12 months.

What is FUE Hairtransplant treatment?

FUE Hairtransplant is a surgical treatment, where healthy hairs are harvested from the donor area and implanted in the recipient areas. The reason why the hair from the donor area is used is that the donor area is scientifically known as not to be affected by genetic hair loss.  The grafts can preserve their genetic features even after the transplantation, therefore, the hair  used from the donor area does not fall out after the transplantation. 

However, the procedure is not as easy as it sounds. In order to have a flawless operation, it is crucial to work with a clinic which is experienced in the field. Every step of the treatment is connected with each other and should be done carefully. Therefore, working with the right specialist is the key factor for a sustainable and long standing result.

How does hairtransplant work at Regium?

The FUE Hairtransplant is a 5 step treatment, which is done under local anesthesia (check below for the detailed information about each step). 

Before the treatment, a detailed patient history is created and the existing hair is analyzed in order to identify the needs. Then, it is determined whether there is a sufficient number of donor productivity to meet this need. Clients with sufficient donor productivity are considered suitable for treatment.


1. New Hairline Design

As the first step, we start with the reconstruction of the new hair line. This is one the most  essential parts because it shapes the future natural look of the patient. Each person has different facial characteristics. Therefore a detailed analysis should be done in order to correctly get the golden ratio of the new hairline.

2. Graft Harvesting

Graft harvesting is the first part of the treatment where we start taking the action. 

In this part, we are using a special instrument in order to help loosening the grafts one by one from the donor area, which also makes sure that no visible scar wil be left after the treatment. It is very important that the extraction is performed equally and homogeneously by collecting equal amounts of grafts from the whole donor area. The extracted grafts won’t grow back after the procedure; therefore, in order to keep the natural appearance of the donor area experienced specialists should carefully perform the operation.

3. Graft Extrication and Storage

Hair follicles are separated simultaneously during the extraction phase. The hair follicles in the donor area contain 1 to 5 hair strands. In the separation process, hair follicles are divided into categories according to the number of hair strands they contain. This process provides great results in terms of creating natural appearance during the implantation stage. Separated hair follicles are preserved in high nutritional solutions specially prepared by Regium.

4. Channeling Phase

The fourth and most important stage of the treatment is the channeling stage. It creates the future image of the hair.

In this stage, according to the extracted grafts, the new hair density and growth direction is determined by our specialists. Microscopic holes are drilled with the help of high technology special surgical instruments that Regium Clinic provides.

5. The Implanting

In the last stage of the operation, the specialists are transplanting every graft into the opened channels. The most important point to be considered during the implanting phase is that it can be transplanted without damaging the roots. At this point, working with an expert staff will significantly affect the result..

After the end of the five stages, the operation is successfully performed. The patient gets a special  bandage in the donor area and can leave for resting.There are no side effects after the operation. The patient is able to continue his daily activities with care. 


The healing process after the treatment

The healing process after the treatment is a maximum of 10 to 12 days. During the healing process, special care should be carried out to the treated areas with the special washing method shown to you by the specialists. After the fully recovery, no scar formation is seen.

After the hair transplant, the newly transplanted hair enters a period of shock. This period is called the Telogen Phase, where productivity totally stops. This phase starts within the first month after the procedure until the roots adapt to the new area. The adaptation process lasts for an average of 3 months, after which the hair follicles enter the productivity period and the density starts to increase. This means that the freshly transplanted hair begins to grow. The development of the transplanted hair continues gradually from month to month. Although the observation of this development takes up to 6 months, the process takes at least 12 months to complete.


Why Regium Hairtransplant?

Regium Hairtransplant is the right partner for sustainable results and satisfaction in the field of hair transplantation. The enthusiasm for helping people to find a new life shapes us every day towards the better.




Costs of Hairtransplantation in Turkey?

The cost of a hair transplant can vary depending on your needs or special requests. We provide you high quality treatments with competence and experience at fair priceses. As Regium Hairtransplant aims to provide sustainable, transparent and realistic solutions for our medical clients. We are welcoming our clients in two different Regium Hairtransplant locations in Turkey. You can get detailed information and  free hair analysis by contacting us.




Get in contact for a free analysis.

We will be happy to assist you in finding the best solution for your goals and objectives. You can contact us at any time.


Regium Hairtransplant is a clinic company with strong roots. Our locations are in Istanbul and Edirne. The chief experts carry out all treatments in both locations depending on the appointments made.